Background Removal APP

Background Removal APP - bGroundless (also known as Background Eraser APP or Background Vanishing APP or Bulk Automatic Background Removal APP) is a Windows 10 based APP which bulk processes automatically images of people with any type of backround behind and, as a result, the background is removed and a transparent background will be instead. The final photo (as .png image) keeps only the persons on a transparent background. The accuracy of contours of the people may vary, so in some cases it may be neccessary to adjust manually. The processing of the images are done by powerful Artificial Intelligenge methods based on cloud infrastructure.

This Automatic Background Removal APP (currently we do not offer a Background Removal sdk) is intended for any user that needs to automatically remove backgrounds from pictures of people. The necessary steps are written below, basically for this real time Background Removal APP you download the zip archive file, unzip it, then you may start to use it if you are registered and your trial is active or if you bought a package.

This Automatic Background Removal APP is useful for a large number of domains like apps for: photography, e-commerce, fashion etc..

For using our Background Removal APP and/or APP you must create an account (free of charge, no card required), activate it from your received email, login and then start your TRIAL package with no fees as you can see at our pricing packages. After you have tested the APP and/or APP and you are satisfied, you may buy a paid package. You will always see at your Admin Console page the real resources consumption in real time, your invoices, you may see/edit/delete your profile or export log consents as GDPR instructed, you may read our FAQs.

Background Removal APP

We present here the instructions for using our bGroundless APP. Compatibility: Windows 10/64 bits, Nvidia GPU Recommended, 25 GB required.

1. Register a new account and activate your 7 days free trial, no card required;
2. Download the archive (0.6 GB) by clicking the blue button below;
3. Unzip the archive where you want and have enough free space;
4. Inside the backgroundremoval folder you will see a list of many folders and files, you need to run backgroundremoval.exe file.

Response Error Codes Table

Parameter Name
Parameter Description

This is the error code which may be:

  • 1001
  • 1002
  • 1003
  • 1004
  • 1005
  • 1006
  • 1007
  • 1008
  • 1009
  • 1010
  • 1011
  • 1012
  • 1013
  • 1014
  • 1015
  • 1016
  • 2001

This is the description of the error code which may be:

  • 1001 - The authorization header is either empty or isn't Basic.
  • 1002 - Daily requests number exceeded in TRIAL mode!
  • 1003 - Trial expired!
  • 1004 - Requests number exceeded!
  • 1005 - Package expired!
  • 1006 - No invoice!
  • 1007 - Reader is NULL for TRIAL!
  • 1008 - Cannot Read if TRIAL exists!
  • 1009 - Error connecting to database looking for TRIAL! (and a detailed description message of the encountered error)
  • 1010 - Reader is NULL for Invoice!
  • 1011 - Cannot Read if Invoice exists!
  • 1012 - Error connecting to database! (and a detailed description message of the encountered error)
  • 1013 - Input request too long! Maximum 5 MB per request are allowed / Nothing to upload
  • 1014 - Invalid request data! (and a detailed description message of the encountered error)
  • 2001 - Invalid request data after passing to the APP (and a detailed description message of the encountered error)

bGroundless Online Video Presentation

Background Removal APP, bGroundless is in the video presentation below. There are several search terms which you may use like: Background Removal APP, Background Removal sdk, Bulk Automatic Background Removal c#, Background Removal online, Background Removal, automatic Background Removal, Background Eraser python, Background Removal python, real time Background Removal python, python Background Removal, image processing Automatic Background Vanishing.


Pricing Packages

Please choose one of the below pricing packages for start using our Bulk Automatic Background Removal APP!

No catches

  • 7 days TRIAL
  • Maximum 50 images per DAY in trial period
  • Bulk Automatically Remove Background From .jpg or .png images with people.
  • Run Program Locally
  • Process Up To 20 images per each request
  • Unlimited Devices
  • Administration console
  • Support through online chat and/or tickets
  • We do NOT allow spam accounts for TRIAL

Monthly TIER

  • 80 USD per month
  • Maximum 15000 images per month
  • Bulk Automatically Remove Background From .jpg or .png images with people.
  • Run Program Locally
  • Process Up To 20 images per each request
  • Unlimited Devices
  • Administration console
  • Premium support through online chat and/or tickets, very supportive help and quick responses.

Yearly TIER
(15% Discount)

  • 816 USD per year
  • Maximum 15000 images per month
  • Bulk Automatically Remove Background From .jpg or .png images with people.
  • Run Program Locally
  • Process Up To 20 images per each request
  • Unlimited Devices
  • Administration console
  • Premium support through online chat and/or tickets, very supportive help and quick responses.

Note: VAT rate may be added or not, function to your country and/or if you are a taxable person or company.
* Disclaimer - do not use copyrighted photos or photos for which you do not have permission to use and/or process.